Today's post is brought to you by the Insecure Writers Support Group.
Ever since the semester from hell ended, I've been trying to jump back into my novel. I'd neglected it for months and months, due to pieces of my soul being consumed by the evil Math, and so I was excited to dive in and pick up where I left off.
Only I couldn't.
I tried reading through the previous chapters.
I tried writing journal entries from the POV of my main character.
I tried free writing, hand writing, typing away on the computer.
I tried everything I could think of. But nothing was working.
And so I began to worry. Have I lost it? Am I no longer a writer? WHAT DO I DO NOW????
It's a terrifying thought, losing my ability to write. Writing is My Thing. It's what I love to do. So I've been fighting for it. I've been mapping out new ideas and rearranging the scenes in my outline. Anything to get the juices flowing again. So far, nothing has worked super well, but I think I'm getting there.
Or, at least, I hope I am.
So, what about you? Have you ever felt like you lost your writing? What did you do to get it back? And how evil is Math, anyway?