I'm sitting in my living room, country music videos on the TV, Dana snoring next to me. My eyes fall on the calender and it hits me. Tomorrow is October 1st.
Where the heck did September go? Or August for that matter? Is it just me, or has this year just flown by? November is just around the corner. And you know what November means, don't you?
Well, let me fill you in. November means NaNoWriMo! National Novel Writing Month. Last year was my first go and it's what got me back into writing after a year-long drought. I'd be a fool not to partake in the craziness this year!
But here's the thing. I'm not even finished with the novel I wrote last November!
I do think that a month-long vacation from this project could be helpful, though. It makes sense. In my head, anyway. Spend October revising my current WiP -- at least through Chapter 5 -- and come up with a working outline for my NaNo project. Then write like crazy in November. When I get back to Mari in December, I'll have fresh eyes and I'll be so relieved to see something that makes a tiny bit of sense, as opposed to the word vomit that will be my NaNo project. Meanwhile, NaNo will sit and stew. When I finally finish Mari's story, I'll have forgotten everything about NaNo and I'll be an editing machine.
Makes sense, right?
Eh, we writers are all crazy, anyway. Or at least that's what I hear. And after rereading what I just wrote, I'm inclined to agree.
Anyway. My NaNo project. I'm kinda scrambling for an idea. I know it's kinda "against the rules" but I'm considering taking an old project into November with me. I've been working on it for at least 5 years now and I'm dying -- DYING -- to get it finished. It's a disaster, so I'll be writing it from scratch, anyway. Plus, I know these characters really well. And I miss them. There's nothing wrong with that, right?
So. Anyone else taking part in November Madness? If so, do you already have your novel in mind? And what do you think of my idea of working with an old project?
Well, October is a mere fifteen minutes away. I better get to work!