
Hey there! So, last Thursday marked the end of Spring Semester for me. I survived, though I'm not entirely sure how. What did I learn, you ask? Well, here are a few things:

* Math labs were not made for the perpetual procrastinators.
* Homework, if left for the day it's due, will inevitably suffer in quality.
* On the other hand, a speech, if thrown together in an organized fashion and practiced half a dozen times that morning, will turn out just fine.
* Sleep is for sissies.
* Although lack of sleep makes me one cranky lady.

I'm sad to say that my gorgeous 3.89 GPA suffered this semester. I won't know just HOW much until my math professor puts my grade in (for the love of God, lady! Put my grade in! I'm FREAKING out here!!). But I'm alive. And I didn't fail any of my classes. So, there is that.

I'm dying to get back to my revisions. I've worked through my novel about a dozen times now, and I've gone through my list of minor revisions. But I've got one or two big changes to work on, one of which I'm still not sure how to approach, even after all this time away. Don't you hate that? When you know what you've got to do but you just don't know HOW to do it? It's frustrating as all get out, isn't it?

There's a part of me that is worried I've forgotten how to do this thing called writing. I've done nothing but Algebra and Excel spreadsheets and extemporaneous speeches written on flash cards for months that it feels like the creative part of my brain has shriveled up. Not to mention, I'm about to start training for a promotion at work soon, which is going to do nothing to jump start my sleepy brain.

So here's my question for you: How do you revive that part of your brain after not using it for so long? How do you wake up your tired, cobweb-covered muse and get back to work? I've got a month until I start summer classes and I'd love to wrap up my novel with a pretty, pretty bow. I'm just a little unsure where to start. Advice is welcome!

Also, what do you think of my new layout? Isn't it pretty?
