A is for Am I CRAZY?

So here we are. April 1st. Where did March go? Or February, for that matter? Seems like the whole year is flying by...

Ahem. I'm getting off track here.

So, I'm one of the ambitious people who've signed up for the A-Z Blogfest. 26 posts throughout the month of April, in alphabetical order. Which means I'll have to post six days a week. I barely manage one post a week! And now I've hopped on this crazy train, all while juggling work and school and finishing that daggone book I started way back in November.

So the question I pose is: Am I crazy? Am I absolutely insane. Gone off my rocker? Did I fall from the walnut tree?

Okay, you get the picture.

It's going to be a challenge, no doubt about it. But here's the thing: I'm looking forward to it.

A-Z Blogfest: Bring it on!

A-Z Nerves

I've got a major case of the nerves over this A to Z Blogfest. As you all know, I'm not the best at posting regularly. In fact, I downright suck at it. And this blogfest is really gonna put the pressure on.

I've got a list of topics for each letter, but I haven't written anything. I plan to keep all my posts short and sweet so I don't get burned out halfway through. Still, I'm nervous.

What about you? Anyone else participating in this craziness? Are you prepared? Are you freaking out? Any tips to make this a little less scary?

Monday Mixtape - Mariah Carey

So I missed last week's Mixtape on account of baking hundreds of cupcakes. A pretty good excuse, if I do say so myself.

Anyway, I was showering this morning, listening to my iPhone, and Mariah Carey came on. I found myself singing along to every word (badly, I might add) and I thought, "What better person to devote a Mixtape to?"

I've loved MC for years. And years and years. Ever since I was about 9. My best friend at the time would swear that Paula Abdul was better. I disagreed. I still disagree.

One of my favorite things about Mariah is that she writes all her own songs. I've talked about my love of lyrics before, and how much I love a good songwriter. Well, Mariah is among the best. At least in my opinion

I'm not the biggest fan of her new music, but the old stuff? Amazing.

Anyway, this is the song that reminded me of my love for this artist:

This is an old favorite:

This song was my anthem throughout my teen angst years. Favorite lyric: "She dreams of all that she can never be/She wades in insecurity."

And there you have it. I take no shame in crediting Mariah Carey for getting me interested in writing. Daydream was the first CD I ever owned and, after reading the liner notes, it hit me: people WRITE this stuff. The songs I sing along to, the books I read...someone actually WROTE them. I don't know why it took so long for me to realize this, but it changed my whole life from that point on.

So, what about you? Who are some of your inspirations?

I'm No Superman

You ever have those weeks that seem like they'll never end? That has been this week for me. In fact, Tuesday and Wednesday just went on and on forever. We did another bake sale for MDA Wednesday, which means I spent all day Tuesday baking away. It was worth it, though. 300 bucks worth it, in fact.

We're trying to be the top selling store in our district (well, actually, Dana's trying. My store is already about 300 behind hers) and after yesterday, we just might accomplish it. Fingers crossed, anyway.

I'm still trying to find the balance between work, school and writing. I've been trying to finish writing Chapter 18 for well over a month, to no avail. I keep getting bogged down in homework. Or by the time I get out of work, I'm too tired to think. I don't know how some of you do it.

Sometimes, I think they should bottle motivation and sell it. I'd buy, for sure. I need something to keep me going some days. Like today. I'm leaving for work in about two hours. Plenty of time to write a couple pages AND get a workout in. I probably won't do either. I'll probably putz around on the internet right up till I have to get ready. Because I'm a bum.

So, what about all you Superwomen out there? Any advice? How do you do it?

Bucket List Blogfest

This lovely lady is hosting the super awesome Bucket List Blogfest today. And since I'm up early and actually functioning, here I am. Early for a blogfest! It just might be a miracle...

Anyway,it's a simple concept. Just make a list of things you wanna do before you kick the bucket. Here's mine:

1. Travel. Anyone who's taken a peek at my Wanderlust Wednesdays posts knows that I've always wanted to see the world. My first stop would be Italy. I want to backpack through Italy, see everything. Then Greece. Namely, Santorini. It's so gorgeous there it should be illegal. There are so many places I want to see. I really need to become a millionaire soon so I can get started!

2. Become a mom. I've always wanted kids. More and more these days, I feel my clock a-tickin'. Everybody is having babies these days! I've still got a few years before I'm ready, but it's definitely something I know is in my future.

3.Become a published author. This is a no brainer, right? I mean, isn't that something we all want to accomplish?

4. Learn to play an instrument. I played violin for a few years in school, but I've always wanted to learn the piano or guitar.

5. Write a song. This one goes hand in hand with number 4. I've written lyrics for years, but they're all unfinished without music. I would love to learn to write music to go along with them someday...

6. Buy a house. This is something that's left over from a childhood of constant moving around. I want a place I can call my own.

Hmm...well, I'm sure I could go on. There are many things I want to do in my life, but these are the biggest ones. Can't wait to see what's on everyone else's list!

Monday Mixtape: Adele

Anyone who knows me knows I love a good singer. I love listening in awe, wishing like hell I could sing half as well as they do. I love closing my eyes and letting their voices wash over me. I love the pure, God given talent spewing from their throats. I love it.

Today's singer is a recent discovery. I've been hearing this first song everywhere, so I decided to pick up her cd and give it a listen. And let me tell you, it's amazing. Go buy it. Now!

This next one is my favorite off the cd right now:

How awesome is that? Gorgeous and chilling, right?

Alrighty. I'm off to finish up The Odyssey and take a stab at the next chapter of my WiP. Happy Monday, everyone!

Spring Break for the Boring

So I'm officially on Spring Break! Woo!

Not that I have any big plans or anything. I won't be jetting off to Cancun anytime soon (sadly). No, I'll be staying here, in frigid ole Michigan, and working five days next week.

And I still have to finish reading The Odyssey and do some homework.

And, fingers crossed, I'll get to finish up my WiP. Three chapters to go!

So, it's not really a break, I guess.

Whatever, I'm still stoked.

Anyway, remember my Mac vs PC post? I appreciated all of your input, and a decision has been made. Instead of splurging on a beautiful piece of machinery (that I wanted REALLY bad), I decided to spend significantly less money and get a cute little netbook. My reasoning behind this -- I'm a hopeless romantic. I need to hold onto that reward of a Mac when I get published. It's a pretty great incentive, don't you think? Plus, my new netbook is pink!

In other news, The Literary Lab has released their anthology. It's got some pieces from really great writers, including the magical Genie of the Nutshell. Check it out. I'm ordering my copy right now!

It's Monday, Folks

I can't believe I failed at the first challenge of Rachael's Crusade. I am so ashamed!

But in all honesty...life has been chaotic. It seems that in the five or so years that I was out of school, I've developed a mild case of ADD. I've got two mid-terms tomorrow that I need to study for and I absolutely cannot focus to save my life. It's kind of ridiculous, really. I'll crack open the books or pull out my notes and my mind wanders. Or, worse yet, I'll open my computer and play around on the internet for hours at a time. Isn't that ridiculous? I blame my job. I have to do so many things at one time there that I'm just used to multi-tasking. It's impossible for me to focus on one thing.

And I think this is a huge problem with my writing life, too. I'm one of those people who has like ten tabs open in Firefox and when I hit a bump in the writing road, I pull them up and browse aimlessly. This lack of focus, of pure dedication, is gonna be the end of me. You just wait and see.

How about you? Am I the only one with this issue? How do you work past it?

Today is Monday, which means I'm going to share some music. But since I'm short on time (and apparently attention span), I'm just posting one song. Lady GaGa's new one. Is it just me, or does this song totally sound like Madonna's "Express Yourself"?

Monday Mixtape - The Lazy Edition

Why hello, Monday. Have I told you just how much I hate you? Well I do. Go away.


Sorry about that. I'm looking down the barrel of a pretty long week and since Monday is the start of it, well...I've got feelings. Angry feelings. It's not Monday's fault, really. But there you have it.

And now that I've revealed just how crazy I am...how is everyone else today? I'm nearing 200 followers, which seriously blows my mind. Thanks, guys! You sure know how to make a girl feel special!

Onto this week's Mixtape. I'm only posting one song today, as I'm on my way out the door. But it's a good one, I swear.

I resisted Pink for the longest time. Said she was overrated. Annoying. Blablahblah. But the truth is, she's pretty bad-ass. And I adore this song. Like, a lot.

Alright. I should get a move on. I've got about an hour of public transportation while reading The Odyssey ahead of me. This might call for some Mt Dew...

Bernard Pivot Blogfest!

What's this, you say? Two posts in one day? Why, I must be ill or something!

Oh, I'm so lame.

Anyway, there's a reason for the double post today. I found out about the blogfest Nicole over at One Significant Moment at a Time is hosting today at the very last minute (meaning, after I was already at work with no computer). And I thought it sounded like a cool idea. Basically, it's a questionnaire. A way to get to know fellow bloggers. Over a hundred people have signed up and I can't wait to hop around and see all their answers! For now, here's mine!

1. What is your favorite word? Hmm...I'm gonna go with wanderlust. I don't know why, but I've always loved this word. It kind of rolls off the tongue and has an intriguing ring to it, don't you think?
2. What is your least favorite word? No. Seriously, I hate hearing the word "No."
3. What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally? Music, without a doubt. I know I've said this before, but hearing a good song is like eating a delicious meal.
4. What turns you off? Boundaries. I can't be productive if I feel suffocated.
5. What is your favorite curse word? The eff-word. I feel so bad-ass when I use it.
6. What sound or noise do you love? Rushing water, birds chirping, the breeze blowing through the trees. I love the sound of nature.
7. What sound or noise do you hate? Honestly? A cat in heat. No, really. We took care of my brother's female cat for a few months and when she was in heat...I wanted to toss her out the window. Argh!
8. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? Um...you mean besides an author? I've always had a secret desire to be a songwriter. I wrote lyrics for years but never learned to play an instrument, so that's as far as I got. But I love a well-written song and I think I've written some pretty good lyrics.
9. What profession would you not like to do? Doctor, lawyer, accountant...anything too stuffy and boring, or that requires math skills or involves blood and guts...*shudder*
10. If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? "You did good, kid."

So, there ya have it! Sorry for posting this so late. Can't wait to browse the other posts!


A couple things today:

1. I had a BLAST participating in the Just Kiss Already Blogfest! All the entries I read were so, so good and everyone that stopped by here had such nice things to say. It was such a great idea and so much fun! Thanks to everyone who read and commented. Your compliments meant a lot!

2. I just surpassed 150 followers. Wow! I'm in utter disbelief about this. Thank you to everyone who follows me -- new and old!

Now, down to the meat of this post. There's something I've been mulling over for a couple weeks now. Something life-altering. Something big. Something...expensive.

See, here's the thing. I think I might be a Mac girl.

I've used PCs my entire life. I run them like a pro. I curse them and want to throw them against the wall. And then I turn around and beg them to forgive me for such evil thoughts. And plead with them to work better, faster, more efficiently. I know PCs, blue screens and all.

But I've been lusting after Macs for just as long. I've settled for my PCs because they're more affordable. More familiar. But the lust just won't go away.

And now I'm in the position where I could afford to go out and buy one of those shiny, pretty machines.

The problem, you ask?

I'm nervous.

It's a lot of money. And my current PC is perfectly fine (other than running slow some days and occasionally crashing, anyway). Should I really give in to my technological lust and splurge? I mean, I've always planned on eventually getting a Mac. But I promised myself I'd buy one when my first book was published. Let's face it, though. That's years (and years and years) off.

So, what do you think? Do you use a PC or a Mac? Which do you prefer? Are Macs really worth all that cash?

Just Kiss Already Blogfest

I'm forgoing this week's Mixtape to participate in this super fun Blogfest hosted by Stina @ Seeing Creative and Christina at Write-Brained.

The whole idea is to post a snippet (not more than 250 words) of a kiss from your WiPs or a scene from an author you admire. And then, swing by 3 to 5 other blogs to check out their entries. What better way to celebrate Valentine's Day, huh?

Anyway, here's my snippet. This is from the same WiP I used for the Page 99 Blogfest -- Tierney wants to win her (engaged) ex back and his best man (Jack) is determined to stop her. Let me tell you, Jack is one sneaky devil. This is their first kiss:

The moment our lips finally met was more than I expected, sending volts of electricity through my entire body, taking my breath away. The warmth of his mouth over mine had my knees knocking. Suddenly, the world around us faded away and there was only this man. This moment. This kiss.

I fought it at first, closing my mouth beneath his to deny him access. Clinging to the last shred of common sense, I put my hands against his chest, intending to push him away. But the soft pressure of his lips, the teasing of his tongue against my closed mouth, the fire running through my veins, finally won over. It’d been so long since I’d kissed anyone. And this just felt so. Damn. Good.

My body turned to butter as I sighed and relented, opening my lips beneath his, granting Jack complete access, though I knew I shouldn’t. My every sense filled with Jack. I could taste the too-sweet punch being served inside, smell his cologne or aftershave and its hint of sandalwood that had my head spinning. A fierce heat unfurled in my stomach and I pressed my body tighter against his, curling my fingers in hair that was all at once silky and coarse. If it weren’t for his arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me away from the railing and against him, I would have fallen.

Hope you enjoyed it. I'm off to check out some of the other entries! You should definitely do the same!

Oh, and Happy Valentine's Day!


Does it shock you guys as much as it shocks me when I post two days in a row? Feels like a miracle or something...

Anyway, there's a good reason for this post. A pretty awesome reason, actually. Rachael Harrie over at Rach Writes... just launched her second annual Writers' Platform-Building Crusade. What's a crusade, you ask? Well, the basic idea is it's a way for bloggers like us -- writers -- to connect. Rachael explains it much better on her blog. It's a really great idea and I'm pretty excited about it. Definitely check it out!

I need to get back to writing (when I should be doing homework, but shh!). I just wanted to pass this along. Hope everyone's week is off to a great start!

Monday Mixtape - So...Very...Random

Ahh, Monday. How did you get here so fast? Am I the only one who can't believe it's already February? Where does the time go?

Did everyone watch the Superbowl yesterday? I have to admit, it was on but I definitely wasn't watching it. Guess what I was doing instead? No, not writing (bad Meika). I was playing with my brand spanking new iPhone!

*cue girlish squeals and hand clapping*

I've lusted after the iPhone for soooo long. And then Dana got one a few months ago, which only made me want it more. Well, yesterday I finally got one. And I'm super excited and slightly obsessed. Now, if only I could figure out how to blog from the thing, we'd be all set...

Anyway, today's Mixtape is full of randomness. It's just the kind of mood I'm in.

Do any of you watch Glee? I have no problem admitting that I'm a big ole Gleek. In fact, I couldn't wait for the Superbowl to get over last night so I could watch it. Anyway, Gwyneth Paltrow just did a guest appearance on the show a couple months ago, and she sang this:

How great is she?

I feel like I should apologize in advance for this next video. My mythology professor had us watch this in class last week (I'm like 90% sure it has nothing to do with Mythology, but...eh, I was amused). Prepare yourselves for some creepy, scaly manfish:

(I'm so ashamed...)

Hmm...what can I do to make up for that lost minute and a half of your lives? How about some Jason Mraz? I love the simplicity of this song. It's just...ahh.

Favorite line: "And it takes no time to fall in love/But it takes you years to know what love is."

I really, truly, sincerely hope you forgive me for sharing Old Gregg...it's been stuck in my head for days!

Anyway, have a great Monday. I'm off to play with my new toy...and maybe finish chapter 18...

L is for Lame

So, I've been thinking a lot lately about this writing thing. Every time someone asks me what I write, I usually say either one of two things. One, "Oh, girly stuff." Two, "It's kinda, sorta romantic comedy."


I was writing away the other day when I found myself giggling over something my main character said. And then I stopped and wondered...what if I'm not funny?

I mean, *I* think I'm funny. Sometimes. But what if I'm the only one? I can't really say I write romantic comedy if there's nothing funny about my stories!

Needless to say, this has been bugging me ever since. I'm scrutinizing every line I write, looking for the funny. And I'm genuinely worried that I'm lame. Super lame. Lame-O.

Am I the only one who has fears like this? How do you shove them aside and forge on?

Holy Snowstorm, Batman!

Snow day!

I was supposed to go to work today, but we're buried under nearly a foot of snow that has rendered transportation on anything but the main roads impossible. Therefore, I have a snow day!! How awesome is that? I mean, it's a little awesome. And it sucks a little. I could have used the hours and I feel bad for leaving them short handed. But I'm sure they'll be more than dead so they should be okay.

So, what is a girl to do with an unexpected day off?

I suppose I could finish the laundry.

Or clean the house.

Or work on homework.

Or! I could write!

Yes, this last option sounds the best to me. I'm so close to the end of my book. I'm excited/nervous about it, but determined to wrap it up soon. And who knows? Maybe today will be the day.

Before I go, here are a couple pictures. My dog is weird. He loves the snow.

Hope everyone caught in this mess stays warm and safe. I'm off to enjoy the first snow day I've had in YEARS!

Monday Mixtape - Honorable Mentions

Happy Monday, everyone! Hope the weekend was long and relaxing for you guys. Mine, well...not so much! But I'll survive!

I had a blast participating in the Page 99 Blogfest -- if you didn't check out everyone's pages, do it! It was fun and interesting and educational. Thanks to everyone who swung by to read my page and for all your lovely comments. Tierney isn't as heartless and selfish as she comes off on that page, I swear!

Anyhoo, the lineup for Monday Mixtape is filled with leftovers from last week's blogfest. My honorable mentions that didn't quite make it to my top ten list. Hope you enjoy!

Addicted - Kelly Clarkson
Who hasn't been in a relationship like this before?
My favorite line: Well...all of it, really.

Cruz - Christina Aguilera

I don't know what it is about this song, but every time I hear it, I want to close my eyes and soak it in...
My favorite line: "As I'm driving I'm captured by the view/So much beauty, the road becomes my muse"

The Difference - Matchbox Twenty

My all-time favorite song by this band is Hand Me Down, but this one is a VERY close second. I love Rob Thomas' voice and he's a great songwriter. My favorite line: "Day breaking on the boulevard/Feel the sun warming up your second hand heart"

Page 99 Blogfest

Hey, look! It's another last minute blogfest!

I thought this one sounded interesting. The whole idea is to post page 99 from your book and see if people would read on. Cool concept, right? If you want to read the other entries, click here!

Alrighty, here's page 99 of my current WiP. A little backstory: my main character, Tierney, is determined to win back her ex, Wes, who's engaged to Sam. Jack is determined to stop her. Tierney has just brought up the night she and Wes painted their initials on the town's water tower.

Here goes nothing!

“Uh…” Wes trailed off, glancing down at his hands. I almost felt bad for him. But almost didn’t count. And I wasn’t going to pass up this opportunity to drudge up our past.

“W.J and T.E Forever,” I supplied without a bit of hesitation. Maybe it was wrong of me to tell my ex’s fiancée that we’d planned on spending forever together and had emblazoned our initials on the town’s water tower to prove it. Maybe I should have just made something up. But what good would that do?

“I…ah, I see.” Sam looked contrite for a moment, igniting pity inside me. She’d absolutely mastered the deer in the headlights of a Mack truck look.

“Silly kid stuff.” Wes covered Sam’s fidgeting hands with his own and passed me a dirty look.

Sorry, I mouthed, not exactly sure what I should feel sorry for. If Wes was completely secure in his relationship with Sam, he would have no problem telling her what we’d been busted painting on the water tower, right? It was years ago! But that he didn’t want to tell her said something. Something I really wanted to hear. He still cared for me.

At this moment, reuniting with Wes seemed more possible than ever.

“You two should put your initials up there.” Jack aimed the comment at the other couple and brought an abrupt end to my elation. I wanted to elbow him in the gut.

Sam smiled brightly, all insecurities erased by her excitement. “Could we, Wes? That would be so fun!”

So, what do you think? Would you want to read more? Or would you toss this book aside and reach for something else?

Top Ten Countdown - Music Blogfest

How in the heck do I always manage to find out about these blogfests ON the day they're happening? We need some sort of master list with all the 'fests in the blogosphere!

Anyway, no Monday Mixtape today. Instead, I'm gonna participate last minute in Alex J. Cavanaugh's Music Blogfest. I still get to share music, which is awesome!

So, without further ado (and very quickly since I have to be to work in like half an hour!), here are my top ten favorite songs:

10. Moon River - Audrey Hepburn/Henry Mancini

As a hardcore Audrey fan, it would be a sin to not include this song. This is a scene from Breakfast at Tiffany's. If you haven't seen it -- WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR??
9. There Goes the Boy - Cyndi Thomson. I can't find a video for this song, but it's such a bittersweet story about a girl's first love. The lyrics are here
8. Fragile - Delta Goodrem

Heartbreakingly honest lyrics, gorgeous vocals...gah! I love it!
7. My Immortal - Evanescence. It doesn't get more haunting than this.
6. Iris - Goo Goo Dolls. Love the lyrics.
5. Break Me - Jewel

You guys sensing a theme here? I love me a good, honest ballad. And Jewel's lyrics are just so open and honest.
4. Plane - Jason Mraz

This is the song that made me buy Jason's Mr. A-Z album. I was super bummed upon discovering the album version is a big piano ballad. While it's gorgeous, I love the stripped down acoustic version the best.
3. What I Cannot Change - LeAnn Rimes.

You all already know I adore LeAnn Rimes. This song is so beautiful and honest. And it's become my mantra for life.
2. Vanishing - Mariah Carey

This is Mariah at her best. The vocals on this song are smoking and the lyrics are gorgeous! I want old school MC back!!
1. Me & Bobby McGee

I'm partial to the LeAnn Rimes recording of this song, since she introduced me to it. But Janis is amazing and this song is just sooooo good! I love the line, "Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose."

Gah! That was HARD! I feel like I should have another list of ten for honorable mentions! Songs like Terrified by Katharine McPhee or Addicted by Kelly Clarkson or Cruz by Christina Aguilera or Happy by Rachel Williams or...I should probably stop. I could go on for days.

Alright, I'm off to take a peek at everyone else's entries before work. Make sure you guys all do the same. And have a great Monday!

Isn't It Ironic?

It feels like my usual lazy Sunday. I slept in a little later than usual and I've been puttering around the house, doing random chores. My mind was lulled into thinking I had the rest of the day to relax.


I have to go to work at 7 tonight. I haven't worked a late night shift in at least six months. I'm sort of worried I'm gonna fall asleep somewhere around eleven -- three hours before I'm out.

Until then, though, I've been trying to get myself organized. There's a load of laundry in the washer, another in the dryer. My homework is sitting next to me, waiting patiently to be worked on and I've been toying with the idea of dying my hair. And maybe writing Chapter Seventeen.

Chapter Seventeen. In my outline for 2010's NaNo novel, there were only fourteen chapters. But somewhere along the way, I strayed from my outline. Added more scenes. Played around with my characters and their world. Who knows how much of that is gonna make it into the final draft, but it's been a fun, eye-opening experience. I've learned that Mr. Perfect can be a jerk. I've learned that Mr. Wrong can be vulnerable and sweet. I've learned that my MC doesn't really like who she is. And that her nemesis, Little Miss Sunshine, has more depth than I ever realized.

And Chapter Seventeen is getting me closer to The End. I've only got about three or four more chapters to go. And let me tell ya, I've been working on this novel on and off for about six years. Thinking about typing The End on this makes me more than a little nervous. Kind of like cutting off a limb. Isn't that weird? For years, I've wanted to get back to this story and finish it. And now that I'm almost there...I'm all but freaking out.

What about you? Do you get nervous when you're almost to the end of your WiP? Or is it just me and my neurotic tendencies? Do any of you have a project you've been working on for an eternity?